Teacher Pages

To teach better, teachers need a constant flow of ideas they can draw upon.
Teacher Pages
Open source video repository
Teacher Pages is a repository of best classroom teaching practices, by teachers, for teachers. It helps teachers and school leaders discover effective teaching methods from experienced colleagues, facilitating their adaptation and use in diverse school and classroom settings.
Repository comprises short high-quality lesson videos. The videos are primarily in Marathi and are subtitled in English and Hindi. Each video showcases a micro-lesson with the teacher explaining what, why and how she has taught her lesson. The repository is housed on the Teacher Pages YouTube channel, as free, open source content.
The repository is housed on the Teacher Pages YouTube channel, as free, open source content.
The growth of the channel is monitored through Youtube analytics measuring viewer engagement. This includes viewer views, likes, shares, comments and demographics.
"We in the Western world often think that when we do "multilingual education" we are doing something new and innovative, but I tell teachers all the time that in truly multilingual places such as India and Africa teachers have been doing for generations what we are trying to learn to do now!"
Eowyn Crisfield, Canadian Teacher and Trainer on the video ‘Speaking, Reading, Writing in a Multi-lingual Classroom’
"A very innovative way of using art, especially satire to teach reading comprehension."
Meghna Veralkar, Teacher at AB Goregaonkar School, Mumbai on the video ‘Understanding Satire’
"I especially liked the way the teacher has used stories as a way to teach the rules of BODMAS in Math. This is something new I have learnt"
Pushpa Ale, Teacher at ZP Primary School, Mohadai, Chandrapur on video ‘A story to solve Math expressions’
The full library of videos is housed at Teacher Pages
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